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The intention of our PSHE Curriculum is to help enable our pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of their community and of society as a whole.  Our policy is informed by our school’s ethos as an establishment where each individual is valued for who they are and supported in order to prepare them for the realities of modern life in the United Kingdom.  In following the PSHE provision, our pupils will be taught the three core themes of PSHE: Health & Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.


At Shawfield Primary School, PSHE may be taught separately or as part of another subject such as RE, Science, IT, Literacy or Maths.  It may also be taught as part of our wider school offer such as assemblies, whole-school events or school trips. The curriculum is delivered by school staff, including teaching assistants, and occasionally teaching may be enhanced by working with external partners such as the Race, Equality and Minority Achievement Service, The Guildford Flames Drug Freeze Programme or the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service.  The credentials, teaching materials and lesson content from visiting organisations are always checked by the school and issues of confidentiality and safeguarding procedures explained.


The programme of study for PSHE education at Shawfield Primary School is designed as a whole school approach with each year group in Key Stage 1 and 2 working on the same theme at the same time:

Autumn – Relationships

Spring – Living in the Wider World

Summer – Health & Wellbeing


Due to the nature of the subject assessing learning in PSHE education uses a combination of teacher assessment and self-assessment.  Pupil’s progress is assessed as a comparison of where they were at the end of a lesson (or series of lessons) to where they were before the lesson(s). A baseline activity (e.g. questioning, discussion, brainstorming) will be completed before starting a new piece of work and then assessment for learning (AfL) will take place throughout the lessons in order to gauge understanding.  At the end of the lesson(s) assessment of learning (AoL) will measure progress from the starting point using strategies such as; delivering presentations, producing resources to teach younger children etc.

For RSE we have adopted the Christopher Winter Project approach, this offers a sequenced series of lessons that are extended and developed each year.


The medium term overviews are designed to enable skills to be acquired throughout the course of the year and be built upon as each year progresses. Each unit of work focuses on different learning objectives to be acquired by the end of the year, some examples are: how kind and unkind behaviour can make people feel, recognising the purpose and value of the internet in everyday life, identifying healthy and unhealthy choices in relation to food, exercise and sleep.  The skills acquired are not subject specific and can be utilised throughout their school life and beyond into adulthood.

We also use PSHE education as a way to address diversity issues and to promote good relations and positive attitudes between people of different backgrounds. By providing the children with safe, respectful classrooms and the opportunity to reflect on how one’s behaviour pupils are made aware of how attitudes and biases can affect others.