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Year 4 Explores Viking Life at Hooke Court

Our Year 4 class recently enjoyed an immersive residential trip to Hooke Court in Dorset, diving into Viking history as part of their studies. This hands-on experience brought the Viking era to life through a variety of engaging activities.

Children earned about traditional garments and their significance. They prepared and enjoyed a Viking feast, enhancing their teamwork and cooking skills. A highlight was the longship building workshop, where children constructed a model longship, applying their knowledge creatively.

Exploring a recreated Viking village, children participated in crafts like weaving and blacksmithing, gaining insights into Viking daily life. Evening storytelling sessions around the campfire featured captivating tales of Viking gods and heroes, sparking imaginations.

The trip was a resounding success, providing our children with invaluable knowledge and experiences. Thank you to Hooke Court staff, staff volunteers, and all the parents for their support.