At Shawfield Primary we firmly believe that all children benefit from regular school attendance.
In order for the school's Attendance Policy to be successful, every member of staff must make attendance a high priority and convey this to the children at all times.
Parents/carers need to support these views in the home to ensure that children are receiving corresponding messages about the value of education.
Good attendance is fostered in an environment where children are eager to learn. At Shawfield Primary School, we understand that the foundation of good attendance is a school that is calm, orderly, safe, and supportive.
We strive to create such an environment where all children are motivated and ready to learn.
Securing good attendance is not seen in isolation and links closely with the school’s efforts on curriculum, behaviour, bullying, supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, effective support for children’s mental health and wellbeing, and the effective use of resources, including pupil premium funding.
At Shawfield Primary School, we believe that attendance is everyone's responsibility. All school staff and governors are committed to working in partnership with parents, the Local Authority, and other local partners to ensure the best possible attendance for every child at our school.
My child has a short-term illness. Do they have to go to school, and will I be penalised if they don’t?
If your child is ill, read the NHS advice to help you decide whether they can go to school. If they are too ill to attend, you are not breaking the law and will not be penalised. You should let us know as soon as possible on the first day of absence and we will record such absences as authorised. If the absence due to illness is ongoing or frequent you should speak to a member of school staff to see what support can be put in place. The school may request medical evidence if there is concern about the length or frequency of a child’s absence.
My child is struggling to attend because of an issue at home or getting to school. Who can help us?
Please arrange to talk to Mrs Dixon our Pastoral Care Lead/School Attendance Champion or Mr Burford our school Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCO). We may be able to offer further support in partnership with External Agencies to support your child’s needs. In exchange, you are expected to agree and take part in accessing the support once it has been put in place. We would like you to regularly meet with us to review what is and isn’t working, involving your child if possible. While waiting for help, you should still do everything you can to help your child attend as much as possible.