We use the ‘Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey schools’ (Surrey SACRE) as our school curriculum as it provides a skill based, progressive curriculum that has been well considered and prepared for schools, with input from leaders of all faiths. This curriculum enables us to make our children aware of a wide range of religions and beliefs that exist within our society. It also includes non-denominational viewpoints such as Humanists through thematic topics such as ‘Why is harvest a worldwide celebration?’ and ‘Where did it all begin?’
Each term the topics to be covered start with a key question, such as ‘What do Christians believe God is like? or ‘What do Sikh’s value?’. Each unit provides the class teacher with an overview of the purpose of the unit, knowledge and understanding that the children should develop during the unit and the Expectations for the end of the unit, broken into Emerging, Expected and Exceeding.
Teachers plan for children to make connections between different faiths and allow them time to reflect on their own and other's beliefs.
Although there is no National Curriculum for RE, it is expected that all schools teach it as part of their curriculum.
At Shawfield we pride ourselves on being a welcoming, caring community school. Good RE teaching and learning will build on this and encourage our children to be welcoming and accepting of all children and their families and in the future have a good understanding of all faiths which enables them to be tolerant and respectful adults.